A Brief History of Canada

Canada’s history is indexed to native American nomadic peoples, that is, Aboriginals. Three major clans of Aborigines with about 15 thousand years of history, Inuites, Metisler, and the general name given to the rest, form the history of Canada. They migrated from Asia as a result of the merger of Siberia and North American continents with the ice age. Therefore, their religion and culture are very close to the Central Asian tradition.

In the 16th century, when immigration from Europe began, their population is assumed to be close to 2 million. As a result of the wars with new European settlers and the rapid spread of European diseases, almost 80 percent of their population died. In addition, with the systematic assimilation efforts, which is an apologized issue today, the local population and local culture have suffered greatly.

The first European cities St John’s were founded in 1583, Port Royal in 1605 and Quebec City in 1608; Canada has been an area where the French and British immigrated. The struggle between the French and the British became synonymous with time, and in the constitution of 1791, it was decided that the French and the British had their place in the kingdom separately. This changed with “British North America Act 1840”, it was observed that autonomy decreased and a functioning system emerged.

However, the controversial association between the French state of Quebec and other British states, which has survived until today, has continued. In the Quebec referendum, which was last held in 1995, the rejection of independence with 50.8 percent shows how fragile the two different cultures coexist. The country still continues to belong to the Kingdom of Great Britain as land.

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